Baby #3 is due in August!
We're super duper excited
but I have a feeling time will fly by
since we have so much going on between now & August...
We're moving again sometime this spring.
This time it will only be a couple hours away instead of across the country,
but still...
Moving is exhausting.
Especially when you're pregnant,
your Hubby is swamped with work thanks to the lovely weather,
& we can't seem to get the house ready to list.
Does anyone want to move to Northeast Indiana?
We have a wonderful house
& the best neighbors in the world!
I'm not kidding.
I want to take them with me.
Little Princess is turning 2 in March,
Little Dudeman is turning 4 in April,
Hubby's birthday is in May.
Busy with their parties all Spring.
The kids & I might also make a super short trip to Utah in May
for my grandparents' 50th anniversary,
but right now with time & money that isn't looking possible...
My sister is graduating in June,
so we'll be heading to Minnesota to celebrate with her.
We're heading to Tennessee in July
to visit family & enjoy the beauty of the Smoky Mountains.
And then boom.
August will be here.
Just like that.
When I think of everything going on between now & then
my brain kind of wants to explode.
Hence the boom.
But we will be happy & surely my brain wouldn't do something like that.
At least I don't think it would.
That would be weird.
Really weird.
But really though...
Blue or pink?
What do you think?