
Thursday, September 5, 2013

1-Year Blogiversary Round-up

This past week my number of page views & followers have significantly increased!
I'm sure almost all of the new traffic is due to the $500 giveaway that I'm co-hosting,
(& you should definitely check it out if you haven't already...)
but I would like to welcome any new readers to my tiny corner of the blogosphere
regardless of how you may have stumbled upon it!
I hope you enjoy reading my posts
& I look forward to getting to know you through your comments!
Feel free to check out my 'About' section to get to know me a little better,
& you can read this post to learn why this blog is named Life is Fantasmic.

With so many new readers
& today being my actual blogiversary,
I thought it would be fun to do a round-up of the top posts from this past year.
That way you new readers can see what my blog is all about,
& I can simply enjoy reminiscing a bit...

Organization faves:

A random fave not mentioned above:

I hope you enjoy looking through these old posts!

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