
Saturday, November 23, 2013

Coming soon...

Just a quick post to let you know I'm still here...
Yep, I haven't forgotten about this lovely little blog of mine!
The kidlets & I have been having plenty of fun running errands,
going on a family fieldtrip to Little Dudeman's eye appointment 2 hours away,
& going from one playgroup to another this week
so our home & my blog have been just a wee bit neglected.

There are some exciting things coming soon around here though (:
Remember when I was asking about sponsors & ad spaces?
Yep, that's gonna happen!
Email me pronto if you want info about pricing!

Remember when I did the review of chapter one for Maryn Hillman's novel,
& I briefly mentioned that I finished 
Yep, we're going to be having another book review & an Amazon giftcard giveaway!

Remember when I did Mommy School before the move
& we stopped on T is for Tiger?
Yep, I'm hoping to pick up where we left off really soon
with a U is for Unicorn week!
With holidays, travel, & whatnot
we may not start back up until January,
but we will definitely start back up!

Also, I'm planning on adding a music page to the blog
with links to my SoundCloud account
where I will soon be uploading the songs I recorded before our move.
I'm hoping to record more songs someday
& maybe even write a few,
but these 4 will be available for your listening pleasure for now (soon).

Last but not least,
to see a sneak peek of the very possible new look to the blog!
Little Princess is in a Tinker Bell phase right now,
so I thought it would be fitting to do a
'second star to the right' theme...
Whatcha think?

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  1. I am in love with your new blog look. You've done a great job. I've been thinking of changing some things on mine too. You've inspired me. Can't wait for all the new things ahead for you. It will be fun to follow along . . . by the way--would you be interested in a blog button swap? I'll put yours on my sidebar if you put mine?

    1. Thanks! I'm excited for all the fun changes as well & I would LOVE to do a button swap (:
