
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

31 days - 31 posts

I am terrible at posting regularly.
I tend to only post things when my thoughts are complete (for the most part)
which means that some of my posts end up quite lengthy,
& some are never posted.
I want to remedy that.
My goal is to update my blog at least 3 times a week.
People say that if you do something consistently for 30 days it becomes a habit, right?
I don't really want to feel obligated to post every day,
but if posting every day for a month will increase the likelihood of me attaining that goal,
I'm all for trying it.

I found out about this challenge because a couple of my favorite bloggers are doing it.
Over the next 31 days...
Kimmie from Sugar and Dots is blogging about her quest for the perfect life,
Rachelle from Fingerprints on the Fridge will be posting one project each day,
& although I won't be blogging about any topic inparticular,
I will be actually posting actual posts every day
instead of just a few times a month!
Or at least that's the plan...
We'll see how it goes.
Here's for day 1?

I'll be linking this post up over at The Nester where a bazillion other bloggers are attempting this challenge.
Let me know if you're trying a 31 day challenge this month so we can keep each other motivated (:
Wish me luck!

Alright, alright...
You caught me.
I wasn't able to do it for 31 days straight.
From Day 10 on I've had a lot going on to prevent that.
I will definitely try this again sometime though!

Day 1: I'm totally counting this post.
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  1. There is a 99% chance I will not be posting every day, either --but I'm still going to try ;). Good luck!!

  2. LUCK! I can really relate to your post about posting! And I'm SO, so glad to be participating in The Nester's 31-Days with you and so many other wonderfully creative women!

  3. I wal also inspired when I read about Rachelle's challenge! Glad to see I'm not the only one! I haven't committed to anything publicly, but that's basically my intent too!

  4. Under which category did you link (at The Nester)?

    1. Writing, blogging, & internet stuff. I was debating between that and personal endeavors...

  5. OK, with a name like that for a series, I just HAD to come visit. Thank you for sharing this! I look forward to seeing your posts. :)

  6. Good luck, gorgeous! I'm already full of fail. Haha! XO!!
