
Friday, March 15, 2013

March Madness - Platypus Day, Pi Day, Party Planning

I haven't posted in a while.
What have we been up to this month?
Let's see...

Our S is for Snow unit for Mommy School has been 2 weeks long due to Little Dudeman not feeling so hot,
& making sure we had everything we needed for all our fun meal traditions coming up!

We went to Disneyland for Platypus Day,
but since they don't make Perry shirts in 12m or 18m I had to make shirts for the kidlets.
Nothing fancy, just white tee shirts, baby Perry, doo-bee doo-bee doo bah.

We were actually slightly disappointed in how few platypuses we saw in comparison to the first 2 years.
I think we counted 32...
Last year was more like 120+
I wished people that had Perry paraphernalia a "Happy Platypus Day" if there were at least 2 Perrys in the group.
Most of them had this I-didn't-know-it-was-Platypus-Day look on their face.
Hubby started to wish that he wasn't wearing his Perry shirt since he wanted to act like he didn't know me...

Then I was busy planning the YM/YW combined activity - Easter Minute To Win It.
I think it turned out pretty fun & can't wait to share that with you!
Later that week we had a youth fireside & YW sleepover that I didn't want to miss.

I was busy working on party invites the rest of that weekend & was actually kind of excited about it since I got to use my new toy that Hubby got me for our anniversary last year...
My Silhouette Cameo (:
How on Earth did I ever make those Mickey invites without it!!!
Yes, I cut them out by hand...
I'm crazy.
I know.

We like to celebrate Pi day by eating circle foods, and of course, pie.
We had a slightly abnormal Pi day this year...
Breakfast was going to either be pancakes or quiche, but we had to leave our house around 7:45 to make it to the walk-in hours at the doctors office.
I'm no morning person, so there was no way I was making breakfast before we left.
I skipped breakfast & Lil Dudeman ate some dry fruit loops on the way.
Not the healthiest breakfast, but at least they were circles.
We waited there over an hour before we were seen since there were a few people ahead of us.
We were going to have circle sandwiches for lunch when we got home,
but we had to run a few errands while we were out & I was pretty hungry after not having breakfast,
so we stopped at Sonic & had lunch there... 
We had pizza for dinner & had dreams of a delicious Claim Jumper blackberry pie for dessert.
We had been looking all week but couldn't find one anywhere.
We would have settled for pecan, but couldn't find one at our last stop while running errands.
What's Pi day without pie?
I also wanted to do some of the fun Kindergarten Pi day ideas that I found at Helping Little Hands.
But alas, I am not superwoman & simply had too much going on.
Maybe next year...

So that's what has been going on around here...
But what do we have coming up?

We have a St Patty's Day green dinner & muffin tin lunch coming up on Sunday.
Our family tradition of Oswald is coming up this Sunday.
What's Oswald you ask?
You'll just have to check back to find out (:
My sister will be coming to visit the last week of March,
and of course Easter will be here before we know it!

Yep, it's pretty crazy around here...
March Madness?
I think yes.

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  1. Aww. I didn't even know this was a thing! I just added a calendar reminder for next year.

    I love the shirts you made with baby Perry on them.

    1. Yep, it started back in 2011 and it's the First Saturday in March...
      Glad that we could help spread the awareness so you can celebrate next year!


  2. Happy Birthday to your Little Princess! Hope you had a fun day :) Thanks for the visit to my blog- I subscribed using Bloglovin' Guess that is what I am using now that Google reader will be gone soon ;(

    1. Awww, thanks! I still can't believe she's turning one! It was super windy at the park so it turned out nothing like I had expected, but it was still fun! (:

      I know! I'm really sad about Google Reader too... It's been so convenient since it shows up on Blogger Dashboard. It's a pain to have to go to an entirely different site just to view blog subscriptions!

  3. Love your matching shirts! So cute. Stopping by from A Day in My Life and I am now following you and liked your Facebook page! Hope you can stop by soon....

    1. Thanks, we couldn't go without all having Perry shirts! Also, thanks for sharing your blog with me! Those shamrock pancakes are so cute!

  4. Happy birthday to your princess and I love the t-shirts, and I LOVE disney!
