
Friday, March 1, 2013

Simply Seussical

Theo LeSieg has a birthday March 2nd.
He would be one-o-nine if he wasn't in heaven.
Who is Theo LeSieg you may question and ask?
Why, it's Dr Seuss' pen name or mask.
We got to celebrate his birthday this week.
In honor of books everywhere, so to speak.

We watched a few movies and read quite a few books
We ate some strange foods and were such silly cooks.

We watched The Lorax who speaks for the trees.
Both the old and the new versions of these.
Then we watched an elephant with rather large ears
protecting a minuscule speck that he hears.
We watched another one about The Grinch
that stole Whoville's Christmas one year, every inch!

"The more that you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn, the more places you'll go."
That is some wisdom a wise Seuss once said,
so we read,
and we read,
and we read,
and we read.

Some books that we read were Hop on Pop,
and also Ten Apples Up on Top.
Then we read these three Books you see,
The Eye,
The Foot,
The ABC.
All three great Books, we read all three.
Green Eggs & Ham,
The Cat in the Hat,
we sat as we read
and we read at we sat.
1 Fish, 2 Fish, Red Fish, Blue,
we then read Horton Hears A Who,
Bartholomew and the Oobleck too.
Oh, The Places You'll Go,
Oh, The Thinks You Can Think,
and The Lorax were read
all in printed ink.
Yertle the Turtle and Thidwick the Moose,
each book was written by dear Dr Seuss.

For our muffin tin meal this is what we had eaten
10 apple slices and eggs that weren't beaten.
They were deviled you see, and green ones at that,
then into our tummies went Cat's cookie hat.
We also had ham and some chocolate mousse
since Thidwick the Moose is in no way a goose.
One fish, two fish, red fish, green.
A Lorax sandwich can also be seen.
Green Oobleck pudding is quite a strange sight
but I'll have to admit, it tasted alright.
Last but not least a chocolate Yertle
Yes, Yertle the chocolate covered Turtle.
We were also to have some Pink Yink Ink Drink
but what would you know, I sure didn't think
We were all out of milk, not a drop nor a blink.

Another fun thing that we did as we played
was sort and count a fish cracker brigade.
We hopped and we popped on our bubble wrap,
searched for some specks, made Oobleck in a snap.

Some other odd happenings happened this week;
A hospital visit for a bloody nose leak,
Our car broke down on the freeway one night,
we're very thankful that we were all alright.
Our floors got mopped which does rarely occur,
All in all this whole week was somewhat of a blur.

All Things Dr Seuss link up

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  1. Oh my goodness! What a fun post!
    And I love the Seuss-inspired muffin tin lunch!

    Thanks so much for linking up with us There's Just One Mommy this week! I am definitely pinning this one!

    1. Thanks for hosting and for the wonderful comment & pin! (:

  2. What a wonderful post, and that's the cutest lunch ever! Love the Lorax sandwich.

  3. Hi! This is so much fun! I loved reading this post!! And, especially love how you put in the other things that happened this week :) I would love to invite you to link up at our Share It Saturday linky party. We have lots of creative ideas submitted each week and you would fit right in!

    Hope to see you there!

    Colleen at Sugar Aunts

    1. Thanks for the sweet comment & invite to the linky party! I checked it out & saw a lot of fun posts! (:

  4. Oh my goodness, your tin is just amazing, but I think I enjoyed it more because of the story in verse you wrote, so talented. Love all of it!

  5. Hoppin' over from the Muffin Tin Monday meme! Love your muffin meal and cute poetic tribute!

  6. Love that Lorax! The whole lunch is so cute!

  7. So fun! I would love for you to share this or any of your great ideas at the link party going on now (and every Saturday through Tuesday) at ‘Or so she says …’ Hope to see you there!

  8. This is so neat! We just did a Dr. Seuss themed tablescape and dinner for Dr. Seuss's Birthday on Sunday, and this week we're doing more Dr. Seuss stuff. I may grab a few of these great ideas for my lesson plans with the kids! Thanks for sharing!

  9. So that muffin tin meal and you make it look so easy! I'll be featuring you this week on my Kid's Co-Op post...thanks so much for linking up!

    1. Thanks for the comment & for letting me know about the feature! I feel honored ;)

  10. Thank you everyone for all the wonderful comments! I had a lot of fun during Seuss week & while writing the post!

  11. So adorable! I love that you guys celebrated Dr. Seuss's birthday! We did too! I have loved it since I was in Kindergarten! Ha ha! Have a great rest of the week and weekend! Thank you so much for linking up your adorable meal!!


  12. Oh my gosh, I LOVE the muffin tin meals! That is too cute!

    Each week I host a link party at my site ( - it starts on Thursdays and goes all week. I would love it if you would be able to join and share this! Have a great day!


  13. Love the lunch and your poem is brilliant!!
