
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

St Patrick's Day Food

 Hope everyone had a wonderful St Patrick's Day!
Ours was great, but really busy...
We got ready & made sure to wear plenty of green all day long.
We had church, then I stayed after a couple hours for choir.
What can I say... I love to sing!
Then we went to see Gram (Hubby's Mom) at her house for dinner.
We told her we would take care of food & made a green dinner for St Patrick's Day.
It's tradition.

This is what we had...
Green pasta with a 'creamy' green sauce, green jello, garlic toast, & green 7up.
If I had a clover cookie cutter, I probably would have cut the toast into shamrocks.
'Cause that would have rocked.
It tasted delicious though, & that's all that really mattered.
We also were going to have peas, but I forgot to cook them & everything else was ready to eat.
Oh well...
I found this recipe for Halloween Pasta & figured that we could just make green sauce instead of orange.
Well, our sauce didn't turn out nearly as creamy & that's probably because I didn't follow the directions...
We used 1% milk instead of whole milk (which I'm sure made a HUGE difference),
we used monterey jack instead of cheddar (I figured white cheese would look better with green food coloring),
I skipped the pepper (because I don't like pepper),
& we didn't use any black sesame seeds (although I'm sure that made no difference whatsoever).
Anywho, it was super thin so we added an extra tsp of flour to hopefully thicken it a bit.
No such luck.
You can barely even see the sauce in the picture.
It still tasted yummy though, & after tasting it I realized it tasted an awful lot like Welsh Rarebit...
So although Hubby thought I was crazy, I took the leftover sauce home & had Welsh Rarebit for breakfast this morning!

Yes, it's green Welsh Rarebit because of St Patrick's Day...
I'm aware that it doesn't look very appetizing, but I sure enjoyed it!
My Gramma used to make this for us all the time for breakfast (:
If you can get past the slightly different texture of the sauce & the soggy toast, the flavor is really yummy!
Not for everyone, but I love it!

After dinner last night was Oswald, but I'm not going to get into that right now.
No need to be mixing holidays & confusing you guys!
Let's just say I still have a sugar hangover of sorts...

Since we were so crammed for time yesterday, our St Patrick's Day lunch was postponed until today...
We had peas, a clover sandwich, green applesauce (not to be confused with green apple applesauce), green jello, gold coins, a jellybean rainbow, a cotton candy cloud, & lucky charms.

No, I didn't get a shamrock cookie cutter in that short amount of time...
I simply cut out a shamrock on paper, laid it on the bread, & cut around it with a knife.
Yes, skittles (taste the rainbow) would make more sense than jellybeans for a rainbow,
but I had jellybeans & was trying to be resourceful! :P

I have one last St Patrick's Day food picture to share with you.
This is what my family back in Minnesota had for dinner last night...
Roast, green mashed potatoes & green gravy, peas, & salad with green dressing.

Our traditional Sunday dinner meets traditional St Patrick's Day green dinner! (:

St Patricks Day Theme Food - Fun Bento Lunch
Check out other awesome muffin tin meals @ Another Lunch
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  1. This is cute! Thank you for sharing at Party In Polka Dots!


  2. I love all of your fun St. Patty's meals! I love dying food different colors .. it just makes it THAT more exciting!! :)

  3. This is really fun!! I bet my kids would love it! Thanks for sharing at Saturday Dishes!! Pinning.
