
Saturday, October 5, 2013

LDS General Conference - Saturday Words of Wisdom (Oct 2013)

This weekend is the 183rd Semiannual General Conference
Prepare for some inspiring quotes...

Conference weekend:
Two days of quality family time.
Two days of staying home & lounging around in our pajamas watching tv.
Two days of eating Pull-A-Part Bread & Breakfast Casserole for brunch.
Two days of simultaneous conference bingo w/ the kids & note taking.
Two days of uplifting & motivational talks given by our living prophet & his apostles.
Two days of talks given by other church leaders who have amazing faith in God.
Two days of relaxation, revelation, & inspiration.
The spirit felt is wonderful.
I love it.

I always take notes during each of the talks,
then I go back & highlight my favorite messages.
Today I'm going to share some of my favorite highlights
from the Saturday morning & afternoon sessions of conference.
Keep in mind these are my hurried notes & they are not all word for word...

What is said at conference is not as important as what you hear & what you feel.
- Elder Robert D. Hales

The Lord will tell you what He wants you to do if you will listen.
- Elder Robert D. Hales

We gather to hear the words of the Lord, & we return to our homes to live them.
- Elder Robert D. Hales

How to become meek:
1. Improve ourselves day by day. Try a little harder to do a little better each day.
2. Learn to control our temper, be patient, & avoid contention.
3. Be humble. The humble are teachable & meek.
Meekness is vital to become more Christlike.
- Elder Ulisses Soares

Look ahead and believe.
- Elder Edward Dube

Significant yet subtle blessings come from paying tithing.
- Elder David A. Bednar

One of the blessings of tithing is finding gratitude for what we have & what the Lord has given us.
A grateful person is rich in contentment.
- Elder David A. Bednar

The blessings that come from paying tithing prove that you can do more with less.
- Elder David A. Bednar

Read the scriptures. Peace & inspiration will come. Solutions will follow.
- President Boyd K. Packer

A woman's moral influence is nowhere more powerfully felt than in the home.
Bring up your children in light & truth. Teach them to pray often.
- Elder D. Todd Christofferson

Small & simple things can touch hearts.
- Elder Arnulfo Valenzuela

Let us reach out to others with faith & love.
- Elder Arnulfo Valenzuela

Fatigue is the common enemy of us all.
So slow down, rest up, replenish, & refill.
- Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

Don't assume you can fix everything, but fix what you can.
- Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

Be merciful, non-judgmental, kind.
Have faith, hold fast to hope, & don't give up.
- Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

Just be positive & those around you will feel your love.
- Elder M. Russell Ballard

It is impossible to fail when we do our best & are on the Lord's errand.
- Elder M. Russell Ballard

Why would anyone join such a church?
1. This church was restored in our day by Jesus Christ himself.
2. The church provides opportunities for doing good.
3. Walking the path of discipleship leads to promised blessings.
If the gospel is so wonderful, why would anyone leave?
1. Some are offended.
2. Some lose their way due to temptation.
3. Some disagree on certain beliefs.
4. There are many reasons.
Whatever the reason, we respect their right to worship according to the dictates of their own conscience.
- President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

The church would only be perfect if it were run by perfect humans.
He works through us, his imperfect children, & imperfect people make mistakes.
If you expect to find perfect people here in the church you will be disappointed.
- President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

We must never allow doubt to hold us prisoner.
Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith.
- President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

We need your unique perspective.
- President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

and those were just the highlights...
Can you imagine how long this post would be if I typed up all of my notes for all of my favorite talks?
Yeah, that could get kind of crazy.
Since I didn't write everything down,
I encourage you to listen to or read the other wonderful words that were spoken today.
When the talks are available to read, I'll provide links below...

Saturday morning:
Welcome to Conference by President Thomas S. Monson
Be Meek & Lowly of Heart by Ulisses Soares
Do We Know What We Have? by Carole M. Stephens
Look Ahead & Believe by Edward Dube
The Windows of Heaven by David A. Bednar
Come, Join with Us by Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Saturday afternoon:
The Moral Force of Women by D. Todd Christofferson
Hastening the Lord's Game Plan! by S. Gifford Nielsen
Small & Simple Things by Arnfulo Valenzuela
Wilt Thou Be Made Whole? by Timothy J. Dyches
Like a Broken Vessel by Jeffrey R. Holland
Put Your Trust in the Lord by M. Russell Ballard

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  1. I wish there was a like button.

  2. Love the quotes you pulled! There were moments this conference where I though WOW they are SO intune to the needs of church members!!! It was amazing!
