
Friday, October 4, 2013

MOPS: Advice from experienced moms

Yesterday at MOPS we had a mentor mom panel.
We got to learn more about 6 wonderful ladies that have been there & done that with the whole parenting thing.
They answered a bunch of anonymous questions that we had come up with ahead of time.
Most questions were about parenting or marital issues,
they touched a bit on how to deal with difficult in-laws,
and how to cope when you're super stressed & your family lives far away...
Although I didn't think to write the questions down
(and I wish I would have),
I took notes on the advice that I found most helpful or profound.

Here's what I learned from the pros:
Pray often.
Pray for your husband.
Pray for your children.
Pray for their future & for their future husbands.

Stop worrying about cleaning your house today & just play.
You'll truly regret it if you don't.

Don't beat yourself up about things you didn't do this week,
there's always next week.

Write yourself encouraging notes.

Encourage other moms.

When you feel like your husband isn't spending enough time with you or your family
ask him, 'What memories do you want our kids to have about their Dad?'
'What memories do you want me to have about us 10, 20, or 50 years from now?'
Ask these things or address issues when things are going well & you are at your best
rather than when you are upset or frustrated.

Make a gratitude list.
Write about things you are thankful for that relate to your husband
and the work he does for you & your family.

Child swap with other moms for relief

Put God first.
Put your marriage second.
Find time for dates & intimacy.
Keep that spark alive.

Show your children that you love your husband.
Don't be afraid to hug, kiss, & hold hands in public.
Keep it PG though...

The only control you truly have is over yourself.
You have complete control over the way you live your life
and the way you handle things you're faced with.
Whether it be a day-to-day or life changing situation
be a good example
& although you can't control your family or others you associate with,
you can influence them for the better.

There is power in using the words "You're right."
If you seem to be having disagreements with your spouse or in-laws,
find something that they're right about,
and use those words to let them know you agree.

Try to look at things through your in-law's eyes if you don't really get along.
They were raised differently than you & have a reason for their differing opinions on things.
If you want to raise your children differently than they raised theirs, that's okay.
You married their son & already know that they raised a winner,
but it's ultimately up to you and your spouse to choose how you raise your family.

Create networks in your community for support, especially if you don't have family nearby.
There are always plenty of experienced moms that would love to "adopt" you & help you out.

So those were the highlights of advice that the mentor moms gave yesterday at MOPS...
Hopefully you can apply that wonderful advice to your life
or pass it along to other moms that may need it!

I think I might make MOPS highlights a regular thing here on the blog.
Whatcha think?
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  1. I think your MOPS highlights as a regular thing on your blog would make for good reading! :)

  2. That's some great advice! I need to work on connecting more with my husband during the calm times, because otherwise he hears everything as an attack and I don't intend it that way.

  3. This is so great! Thanks for sharing the link, Marissa! :)
