
Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Sooo, I started using this awesome site called ^Lift.
It's a way to track your progress on specific goals you would like to accomplish.

My sister mentioned Lift in a blog post last month.
& had been meaning to check it out ever since.
A few days ago I finally got a chance to see what it's all about & I love it.
You can check out my progress here.

 Whether it be simple day-to-day tasks,
or baby steps that need to be accomplished before attaining a long-term goal,
you enter them in as 'habits'
and check them off each day once completed.
I know I always accomplish more when I'm checking things off a list.
Lift helps you track your progress each week,
& you can see multiple weeks at a time to see your long-term progress.
You can encourage your friends
or other people with similar goals.
It's pretty nifty.

No more setting goals in January
only to slack off come February.
Don't be discouraged.
We all have great potential.
Follow your dreams.
Choose happiness.

As my Grandma used to always say,
"New day, new start, happy heart."
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