
Monday, August 26, 2013

Simply Watermelon Lemonade

I simply love watermelon.
& I simply love lemonade.
Little did I know that the two flavors combined are simply amazing.

Not too long ago...
We were at a restaurant that offered watermelon lemonade
instead of the traditional strawberry lemonade that you can find almost anywhere.
Hubby ordered one out of curiosity.
It. was. d e l i c i o u s.
They garnished it with fresh watermelon,
but used watermelon syrup instead of fresh watermelon in the drink itself.
I ordered one on my birthday at another restaurant,
and my taste buds were in heaven once again.
Note: This restaurant also used watermelon syrup instead of fresh watermelon.

Hubby bought a container of pre-cubed watermelon just to munch on
since watermelon is such a great summer treat...
Somehow it became buried behind things in the fridge,
and we almost forgot about it.
Thankfully we found it just in the nick of time,
& began eating it while it was still good.
I realized we wouldn't be able to finish the whole container before it went bad,
and was kinda sad about it...
Then I remembered how delicious watermelon lemonade was,
remembered that we had Simply Lemonade in the fridge,
& decided to make some to use up more of the watermelon while we still could.
It was a thousand times better than either restaurant version,
& the best part...
It was simply lemonade & watermelon.
No watermelon flavoring.
All natural.
There were no leftovers.
Didn't have to toss any uneaten watermelon out (:

Without further ado...
The recipe.

1.75 liter bottle of Simply Lemonade (you will have some left over)
4-5 cups watermelon chunks

Fill blender with 4-5 cups of watermelon chunks. Pour Simply Lemonade in the blender over the watermelon chunks until the 6 cup mark. Blend until smooth. Taste, then add more watermelon or lemonade to your liking if needed. Enjoy!
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  1. Hi, Marisa! This lemonade looks YUMMY! What a smart trick to use pre-made lemonade to save time. And Simply Lemonade tastes from scratch! We'll have to use this one Labor Day weekend.


    1. It's crazy how easy it is to make! Simply Lemonade really does taste like it's from scratch, which makes it all that much better! Hope you enjoy it (:

  2. YUM YUM YUM. This is one of my favorites. I like the simplified way of using Simply Lemonade too! I think we'll make some this weekend.

  3. This looks delicious! Perfect for those hot summer days!
