
Monday, February 25, 2013

Mickey Mouse Birthday BBQ

The kids' birthdays seem to be sneaking up on me this year...
Then again, it seems like that every year!
Over the next few months I will be in party planning overload with one birthday to celebrate each month!
A Ladybug party in March for Little Princess,
a Cars or Up party in April for Little Dudeman,
& a party in May for Hubby...
I'll fill you in on the theme for his party later since it's a secret!
Anywho, since parties have been on my mind lately, I thought it would be fun to post some pics from Little Dudeman's previous parties!

We had a Mickey Mouse Birthday BBQ at our house to celebrate Little Dudeman's 2nd birthday last year... 

At our BBQ we had hot dogs, veggie trays, deviled eggs, potato salad, Mickey Mouse shaped jello, soda, M&Ms, chips & dips (cheese & ranch), apples & pineapple, fruit dip, Mickey cupcakes, & Mickey cake pops...

I think the party hats turned out absolutely adorable, but of course Little Dudeman didn't want to wear one...
I love that they were super easy! We cut out some poster board ears with tabs that we folded over & hot glued to dollar store party hats.

Invitation - I saw the tutorial for these on Oopsey Daisy & knew I had to attempt them!

Front side of invite

Back side of invite

We had our VHS of The Spirit of Mickey playing in the background so that people could watch some old school Mickey cartoons as they arrived & while they were eating...

We had a couple games planned in case anyone wanted to play but we never got around to it:
 - Donald, Daisy, Goof: Played like Duck, Duck, Goose but boys are Donald (Duck), girls are Daisy (Duck), & goose is Goof(y)
 - Pin the ears on Mickey
 - Mickey coloring pages
 - I also found that this site has a lot of great Mickey party game ideas

I got a lot of my inspiration for this party at Oopsey Daisy so be sure to check it out!

I really need to make a decision about Little Dudeman's theme for this year!
I had been planning on Cars since it was his favorite for so long, but his new favorite movie is Up...
I tried asking him which one he wanted, but he isn't really helping much.
He still loves Cars, but since he also loves Up he's trying to be sneaky & pick both.
What do you think?


  1. Love it!! We're doing a Mickey party in July and I looking for fun things to do.

    Thanks! Alexis from Running Away? I'll help you pack!

  2. How funny, my guy is turning 2 in April, and he he loooooves Mickey mouse. We decided to do an Up party, though, as his favorite color is blue, he loves balloons and the word up! lol I hope that he still loves Mickey Mouse as much next year! I ma pinning this post for later - seems like a cute and fun party :)
