
Friday, February 14, 2014

Triple Berry No-Bake Cheesecake

Oh my golly gosh goodness!
I LOOOVE cheesecake (:
I don't care whether or not it's baked,
as long as it's cheesecake...
This recipe certainly does not disappoint!
Someone made this when we lived in Tucson & gave us the recipe.
I lost the recipe & was super duper sad.
I was ecstatic when I noticed this recipe was in my
That cookbook is one of my faves
because you really can't go wrong with cream cheese.
Anywho, this is one of my go-to desserts to bring to potlucks...

2 cups graham cracker crumbs
6 Tbsp butter, melted
3 Tbsp sugar
4 pkg (8 oz each) cream cheese, softened
3/4 cup sugar (I like to throw an extra spoonful of sugar in when I make it)
1 pkg (12 oz) frozen mixed berries, thawed & well drained
1 tub (8 oz) Cool Whip whipped topping, thawed

Line 9x13-inch pan with foil, with ends of foil extending over sides. Mix crumbs, butter and 3 Tbsp sugar; press onto bottom of pan. Refrigerate while preparing filling. Beat cream cheese and 3/4 cup sugar with mixer until well blended. Add berries; beat on low speed just until blended. Whisk in Cool Whip. Pour over crust. Refrigerate 4 hours or until firm. Use foil handles to lift cheesecake from pan before cutting to serve.

Variation: Prepare as directed, substituting 3 cups mixed fresh berries for the pkg of frozen berries and increasing the sugar mixed with the cream cheese mixture to 1 cup.

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  1. Yum. I just pinned it. Thank you!

  2. We are on the same page as I love to cook too. I do nto make as many deserts as I wish I could. This one looks so good!

  3. Cream cheese is a staple in our house and we try to keep at least two packs in the fridge at all times. This sounds like a super easy, but delicious dessert. Thanks for sharing!

  4. This looks great but sounds easy to make which = perfection for me at this moment! I love finding new recipes, and I have never made a cheesecake before. Thanks for the cook-spiration;)!

  5. This recipe is making me crave cheesecake! I'm glad spring and fresh berries are just around the corner!

  6. LOVE this! This is a really economical version of one of my favorite treats! Thank you!

  7. I'm currently working in Afghanistan and the one thing that would make this country better is if they ate more cheesecake!!

  8. This recipes looks awesome. In the summertime, we have LOTS and LOTS of fresh Blackberries straight from our backyard. They are all wild and delicious. I am always in search of wonderful new recipes that incorporate blackberries. Can't wait to try.

  9. Love love love it... Cant wait to try

  10. My husband makes the best cheesecake, but I don't think he's ever made a berry cheesecake. I'm showing him your recipe tonight!

  11. Yum! Cheesecake has been one of those desserts I've just never tried to make, but love to eat. Might have to actually make one now! Oh and great name ;)


  12. I love cheesecake and that looks awesome!

  13. I think I just drooled all over my keyboard! Guess I better get going to the grocery store because now I am craving cheesecake!

  14. This looks absolutely delicious! Pinning to save it for later, I love homemade cheesecake and this looks simple

  15. Oh yum! This looks soo good!

    I recently tried a cheesecake recipe from The Chew. I would recommend it as well. :)

  16. Have to love Kraft Foods! :) This is a great recipe!

  17. Cheesecake is my favourite! This one looks amazing :)

  18. Oh yummy!!! I love cheesecake. Pinning this for later.

  19. I love super easy cheesecake recipes because whenever I try to make one even remotely complicated it doesn't turn out right. This seems easy enough even for me!

  20. I am always looking for a new recipe and your Triple Berry (no bake) cheesecake is one I'm going to try for sure. Just your picture is making my mouth water.
    Thank you for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop! I hope you’ll join us again next week!

    Kathy Shea Mormino
    The Chicken Chick

  21. I like the lighter and creamy variations of cheesecake like this. Yummy recipe.

  22. I love my cheesecake light and creamy and this is a winner. Can't wait to try it.

  23. That looks so good, on of my first loves, cheesecake.

  24. Looks yummy. And I'm in the midst of a big #DisneySide celebration so it looks like hidden Mickey ears...I'm thinking of using this for my party. :-)

  25. OMG this awesome!! I am so going to try this cheesecake.

  26. I love the colors, this looks so tasty,it seems pretty easy too. Thanks for the recipe.

  27. My momma make a dish very much like this. I'll have to try this one when my berries are ready to pick in the spring. Thanks for sharing.

  28. Marissa, This looks delicious thanks for sharing your recipe with us. Tina

  29. OH MY FREAKING GOSH!! I just love cheesecake! I cannot wait to try this! thanks for sharing this delicious recipe!!

  30. This looks so delicious & I love that it is 'No Bake' - I'll be trying this tomorrow!

  31. That does look delicious! I'm intimidated by baking, but I would like to try this recipe...someday - when I get up enough nerve. :)

  32. I have often seen no-bake desserts. I actually found a no-bake, chocolate, tofu pie recipe that I like to make. It is SO good. I make it and people who are not even vegetarian, love it! I like cheesecake, but it's not my favorite dessert by far though. I'm 1st a carrot cake gal :)

  33. Oh my these sounds amazing! Thanks for sharing at The Weekend Retreat!!

  34. This looks amazing and my husband feels the same way as you do about cheesecake! I think maybe I might make this for him for his birthday coming up! Yum!

  35. I just finished dinner and sat down to make some comments when I came across this delectable post. Great, now I'm hungry again! I do not enjoy baking so I rarely do it but when I come across something this irresistible, I jot it down and go for it. THe family is in for a treat this week! Thanks!

  36. This looks so yummy and I love anything that is no bake.

  37. Looks great! Cheesecake is the best!

  38. Pass me a fork! The fact that it is no bake is even more appealing. Bookmarking this for the future. In fact, I can think of several events I can make it for!!

  39. Holy deliciousness Batman! That looks fantastic. I can't wait to try this out on my husband who is a cheesecake fanatic. Thanks for sharing!

  40. wow!! I'm going to pin this right now!!! I can't wait to make it and surprise my family :)

  41. Ooooooh, this looks very yummy! I wonder if it can be made fat-free/sugar-free and still taste the same. Thanks for sharing! ~The other Marissa :)

  42. Yum, yum, give me some. I love the touch of tart and sweet. Add in easy and I'm hooked. WIll be making for my family, thanks!

  43. This seems easy enough and looks oh so delicious! I really want to start making more desserts..this is a great place to start! Thanks for sharing!
