
Monday, February 24, 2014

Mustache or bows?

Baby #3 is due in August!
We're super duper excited
but I have a feeling time will fly by
since we have so much going on between now & August...

We're moving again sometime this spring.
This time it will only be a couple hours away instead of across the country,
but still...
Moving is exhausting.
Especially when you're pregnant,
your Hubby is swamped with work thanks to the lovely weather,
& we can't seem to get the house ready to list.
Does anyone want to move to Northeast Indiana?
We have a wonderful house
& the best neighbors in the world!
I'm not kidding.
I want to take them with me.

Little Princess is turning 2 in March,
Little Dudeman is turning 4 in April,
Hubby's birthday is in May.
Busy with their parties all Spring.

The kids & I might also make a super short trip to Utah in May
for my grandparents' 50th anniversary,
but right now with time & money that isn't looking possible...

My sister is graduating in June,
so we'll be heading to Minnesota to celebrate with her.

We're heading to Tennessee in July
to visit family & enjoy the beauty of the Smoky Mountains.

And then boom.
August will be here.
Just like that.
When I think of everything going on between now & then
my brain kind of wants to explode.
Hence the boom.
But we will be happy & surely my brain wouldn't do something like that.
At least I don't think it would.
That would be weird.
Really weird.

But really though...
Blue or pink?
What do you think?

See this post to find out the gender...
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1 comment:

  1. What a fun and crazy mustache family picture! So glad to meet you while sharing the fact that I moved from the Appleton area to Salt Lake City and you did the reverse. I'm sure Skype will make up for missing your parent's 50th anniversary. Sounds like your family is quite spread out. Good luck with your move. Can't wait to hear if it's a blue or pink mustache coming.
