
Friday, October 26, 2012

F is for Fish - Finding Nemo

This week we got to watch one of our favorite movies... FINDING NEMO

We are working on the letter F, so Finding Nemo was the perfect choice for the movie this week. Not only does the movie start with the letter F, but it's about fish. Which, might I add, also starts with the letter F.

I know, I know... "Fish are friends, not food".
But as you can see I couldn't resist basing lunch on fish.

Our muffin tin meal consisted of 'fish eggs' (pomegranate), goldfish crackers, mandarin oranges (since clownfish are orange), a peanut butter & jelly'fish' sandwich, blue jello (from the "ocean" of course), & a tuna fish sandwich. Fish sticks are another option for food if you need another idea, and I saw these cute apricot clownfish afterwards that I think I'll make next time! Oh, I also bought swedish fish to put "in" the jello last second (they get all slimy & turn into mush if you put them in too early, which I discovered a couple years ago when I made my watermelon shark for YW), but I completely spaced doing so. Silly me.

Primary/Church Song: 'Families Can Be Together Forever'
Preschool Song: 'Row Row Row Your Boat'
Book: The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister

Tumbling Tuesday:
I would LOVE to go swimming and just keep swimming, just keep swimming! Luckily we live in the desert and I know of some pools that are still open. However, I can't take two kids under the age of 3 swimming all by myself. It just isn't logical or safe...
So instead, I taught little dudeman how to crabwalk
and we jumped across our living room floor on the jellies.
It so totally rocked!

Word Wednesday was kinda hectic, but we did:
Family letter sheets
(Oh, and I had a dentist's appointment... I'm so glad P Sherman isn't my dentist!)

Think About It Thursday:
Family math sheets
We turned Go Fish into a matching game
(I also saw this awesome jellyfish in a bottle activity that I think I'll try out next time!)

Field Trip Friday:
We went to the Aquarium of the Pacific a few weeks ago on a Saturday, so I'm just gonna count that since it goes with the theme and I have to get our house ready to host a Young Women's sleepover tonight. Yep... That means somewhere between 9-14 teenage girls between the ages of 12 & 17 will be "sleeping" here this evening.
We're gonna partay while my hubby spends the evening in his man-cave with his Xbox. Don't worry... He has a headset so he won't even know that we have a house full of girls. He is such a trooper helping me clean and get the house ready! Where would I be without him? I really appreciate all that he does for me and the kids!
He's the bestest (:



  1. How fun. Thanks for linking up with tip-toe thru tuesday.

  2. Such a fun idea! I'd love for you to link this post up to my weekly link party.

  3. What a fun lunch! I like that you used pomegranate as fish eggs!
