
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

E is for Elephant - Dumbo

E is for Elephant.
So I based last week on one of the most well-known & lovable elephants around... DUMBO

Primary/Church Song: 'When I Am Baptized'
Preschool Song: '10 Little Elephants'
Book: Elmer by David McKee

For Monday's muffin tin & a movie, we watched Dumbo and ate a circus/elephant themed muffin tin meal consisting of orange circus peanuts, an elephant biscuit, nutter butters, popcorn, grapes (kind of like the bubbles Dumbo blows), & cheese for Timothy the mouse. Oh, and we couldn't forget the pink elephants on parade (animal crackers).

Tumbling Tuesday:
At our pretend circus...
 we balanced on the tightrope (tape on the floor),
stepped through a hoop,
& we were VERY silly clowns!

My kids got sick & were absolutely miserable all day Wednesday and Thursday so we had a cuddlefest.
Here's what I wanted to do, but never got around to:
Enoch letter sheets
Elephant E
They were starting to feel better Friday, but at that point I was pretty miserable from cuddling with my two sick kidlets' germs. Yep, didn't feel like doing anything other than taking care of them and myself. Nothing wrong with that, right?



  1. This is so fun. Thanks for linking up to tip-toe thru tuesday.

  2. Hi! I found you at The Chicken Chick and would love for you to check out a blog I run called Bento Blog Network. There is a weekly themed meme that starts each Friday. People vote for their favorite on Wed & Thurs. Christmas theme starts this Friday and then next Friday is any theme. You are welcome to join us!

  3. Thanks so much for participating at Bento Blog Network! So many cute lunches! This is my favorite of yours!

  4. I love the elephants! So adorable!
    Sorry the kiddos were not feeling well. That's never any fun.

    Thanks for linking up with Muffin Tin Monday. :)

  5. Love your circus/elephant themed muffin tin meal. Great ideas! Does anyone really eat those orange circus peanuts?? haha. :)

    1. Thanks! As for the orange circus peanuts, so far the answer is no. I don't really care for them & they were ridiculously hard to find anyway. I only got them for this lunch & ended up throwing the whole bag out because nobody wanted to eat them.

  6. Oh my, this is so creative. I love the elephant! I haven't seen those circus peanuts in quite a while and I am not that fond of them, but great addition with the nutter butters. When I saw the picture I wasn't sure what the grapes represented, but after I read your description I realized how well they worked. Impressive!

    1. Thanks! Those circus peanuts weren't easy to find & nobody seemed to like them anyway. I maybe ate two the day I made this lunch, but only because I felt bad wasting money on them when nobody wanted them. I'm glad I thought of the nutter butters too! They are sooo much better than those circus peanuts.

  7. This is such a cute lunch, Marissa! That elephant biscuit is awesome! My kids love those circus peanuts. Me....not so much!! LOL

    1. Thanks! I'm not really a fan of the circus peanuts either, but they fit the theme well & Little Dudeman enjoyed them!
