
Friday, June 13, 2014

Saturday Dishes - Dutch Oven & Camping

Welcome to Saturday Dishes
Where every week is a new theme...
Your job is to post your recipes that coincide with that theme!
Easy peasy, right?

Don't have a recipe that goes with the theme?
No worries!
Just sit back, relax, enjoy the other posts,
& be sure to check out the index & upcoming themes
to see what you can post in future weeks!

This week's theme is:
Dutch Oven & Camping

Summer camping trips are so much fun!
We want to see your tin foil meals,
dutch oven recipes,
& lot s'more!!!
pun intended (:

Saturday Dishes is hosted by:
- Marissa @ Life is Fantasmic -

- Lisa @ Pebbles and Piggytails -
Facebook ♥ Twitter ♥ Google+ ♥ Pinterest

Check out our blogs & show us some love!
We love seeing new faces & new followers on our social media,
& comments make us smile (:

Last week's theme was Mocktails & Kid-Friendly Drinks...
I was a little bummed with the participation,
so I'm going to feature ALL 5 of the links!
4 lemonades & a yummy smoothie!

Lisa's faves might be different than mine,
so don't forget to swing by her blog too! (;
Oh yeah...
& if you were featured
feel free to grab a button!

Life Is Fantasmic

Next week's theme is:
Cold Summery Treats
Swing by to link up your summery treats that need refrigeration of sorts...
& remember that you can link up more than one post if you have them!

Now on to the linky...
Link up your Dutch Oven & Camping recipes,
visit other posts,
& make new friends!
I love camping & would love to try out what you share,
but I've never gone camping while in my 3rd trimester of pregnancy before.
Feel free to leave me some pregnant camping tips in the comments!

I would really love to see more participation
this week & in future weeks.
To make that happen,
I need your help.
I need you to spread the word
& let us know what themes you would like to see in the future!

By linking up at Saturday Dishes, you are giving permission for Life is Fantasmic & Pebbles and Piggytails to feature your posts with one image on social media with links back to you. You are also giving permission for a weekly email reminder to be sent to your inbox keeping you informed of the upcoming themes. You may unsubscribe from this email at any time.

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