
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

A Memory Apart - Kindle eBook giveaway

So as I mentioned a couple weeks ago
in my "Love.Loss.&Oh.My.Heck." chapter 1 review...
(speaking of which, Chapter 2 is now up on Maryn's blog for you to read)
I finished reading my cousin Daniel Elijah's first published book,
"A Memory Apart"
& I absolutely loved it!
(I promise I'm not just saying that because we're related!)

Here's a quick summary in my words:
"A Memory Apart" is a clean love story from the perspective of a teenage boy named Joshua.
The kind of love Joshua & Hayden had for each other was special
& it had been that way for as long as he could remember.
But with a very unexpected turn of events,
he finds himself torn, confused,
& in the middle of a love triangle
that he never would have anticipated.

I loved Daniel's use of descriptive words throughout the book.
It made it really easy to get a feel for each of the characters' distinct personalities.
At first I thought that Joshua was a little too obsessed with Hayden,
but thinking back to when I first fell in love with Hubby
I realized that he pretty much nailed how I felt.
I was obsessed.
Once I remembered what it's like to be a love-struck teenager
it was much easier for me to get into the book.
I enjoyed it more & more as I read on.
As the plot continued to unfold,
I got so into the story
that I had a hard time putting it down.
Don't believe me?
Ask Hubby.

I asked Daniel to write a special message to you readers,
& am more than pleased with his inspiring words...

Dear reader,

When I set out to write "A Memory Apart," I wanted to write an enduring love story that readers of all ages would find enjoyable, but more importantly, I wanted to craft a tale about living life in a way that creates lasting memories. I have always believed life is the total of our experiences, good and bad. Each of these experiences, and the people we experience them with, create who we are. It's my hope that as you read about Joshua Freemont you will come to better appreciate every moment you have in your life. And hopefully when you're old, and when I'm old, we'll look back and realize that our lives have been monumental blessings.

I hope you'll be inspired to live your life to the fullest, just like I was inspired by Joshua. He let me into his world, and I'm happy to share his story with you. 


Such great advice (:
I completely agree with Daniel
& think it's important to appreciate every moment of our lives.
Like he said above...
Our lives are molded by not just our good experiences, but also our trials.
So why not live our lives to the fullest,
enjoy the good times,
& learn from the hard times?

"A Memory Apart" was a quick & easy read,
but very enjoyable nonetheless.
Because I enjoyed the book so much,
& because we both enjoy the support of all you wonderful readers out there,
I am going to be hosting a fun little giveaway!

The winner will receive
a copy of the "A Memory Apart" eBook
& a $25 Amazon giftcard!

"A Memory Apart" is currently available in the Kindle format.
Don't have a Kindle?
No worries!
You can download the free Kindle app on your smartphone or tablet to enjoy the eBook.

Enter below via Rafflecopter:
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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  1. I read "A Memory Apart" and also enjoyed it!

  2. Replies
    1. That is too funny that you mentioned Edenbrooke! It's the book for the book club I'm in this month! I haven't had a chance to read it yet...

  3. My FAVorite book thus far is Dear Life by Alice Munro! Thank for the chance!!

  4. Danielle F - My favorite book is The Shack javcatONEaTHotMailDOTCom

  5. I love the book The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

  6. My ALL-TIME favorite book is from a few years ago --- Memoirs of a Geisha
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net
