
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Sponsors & Ad Spaces?

So I've been toying with this crazy idea for a while now...
I'm thinking about possibly adding a sponsors section to my sidebar.
My blog is only a little over a year old.
Am I crazy?

I've always wanted to actually make money blogging,
but income with AdSense is reeeally slow
& MyRecipeMagic has only paid me once
although I thought they would send it to my PayPal monthly.
I'm not trying to say that those options don't work,
I'm just saying that they haven't benefited me all that much.

Again, am I crazy for wanting to add sponsors on this lil' blog?
Where should I start if I decide to take that route?
Has anyone had any luck with Passionfruit?
What ad space sizes would you like to see?
How many ad spaces should I offer?
What should pricing be for each size since I'm just starting out with it?
How many of you wonderful readers out there would actually want to be a sponsor?
Any experienced bloggers out there have any input for me?

Email me at
lifeisfantasmic {at} hotmail {dot} com
if you're interested in becoming a sponsor
or if you have any advice...
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1 comment:

  1. Hi and what a good idea to ask your readers about what they think about advertising on your site. For direct ads, I use Passionfruit. It used to be cheaper but they have recently increased the prices and for small bloggers or those who don;t expect to sell many ads or for high prices, their fees can be high.
    Try getting together with other bloggers to share an account so sponsors can pick to advertise on individual blogs or the whole group - get in front of more reader, keep costs low and attract more sponsors with this interesting advertising option.
    You are never to ýoung or too small to start and if you look through the Passionfruit marketplace you can get a good feel of what other similar sites are charging.
    Good luck with it.
