
Friday, February 15, 2013

♥ Twitterpated ♥

It's that time of the year again...
Love is in the air.
Nearly everybody is twitterpated.
Yeppers, it's Valentine's week!

We watched Bambi and talked a little about Valentine's Day & the four seasons this week...
Primary/Church Song: 'The Wise Man & The Foolish Man'
Preschool Song/Rhyme: 'Mr Sun'
Book: All the Seasons of the Year by Deborah Lee Rose
Movie: Bambi

I was debating between Bambi and Lady and the Tramp for this week's movie but couldn't pick just one... So I chose both!
Bambi for Mommy School
Lady and the Tramp for our family Valentine's night

"Eating greens is a special treat. It makes long ears and great big feet. But it sure is awful stuff to eat."
- Thumper

While watching Bambi, we ate frozen peas (couldn't forget our greens for Thumper), a PB&J deer sandwich, Thumper's carrots, Flower's pineapple & strawberry flower, strawberry hearts, and a heart cake since we're all twitterpated this week.

We went to the library for story time on Thursday to read Valentine books & made a cute I Love You card!
(I'll share that with the family Valentine's Day post next week since we aren't finished with ours yet)

A couple other ways we shared our love with those around us this week...
Hubby wasn't feeling well so I filled up his car with gas so he wouldn't have to the next morning.
We left a Valentine card & treat in our mailbox for the wonderful lady that delivers our mail.

We will be having our family Valentine's Lady and the Tramp dinner & movie on Monday since believe it or not we have no free evenings until then... Can't wait!

Check out other awesome muffin tin meals @ Another Lunch


  1. The deer sandwich is so cute!

  2. Love the cute Bambi idea. I might have to try that for my kids. We like the movie Bambi here.

  3. That is such an adorable reindeer. So cute!

  4. Awwww...that deer sandwich is fabulous! We love Bambi at out house, too. My kids are crazy for those heart Little Debbie's....great MTM.
