
Friday, January 18, 2013

O is for Ocean - The Little Mermaid

O is for Ocean & Octopus so this week's movie was...

Not only does most of the movie take place in the ocean, but the villain resembles an octopus!

Church Theme: Obedience
Primary/Church Song: 'Love Is Spoken Here'
Preschool Song: 'My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean'
Book: Tickly Octopus by Ruth Galloway
Movie: The Little Mermaid

We pushed the muffin tin & movie back a couple days since Little Dudeman showed a random interest in potty training again. I wanted him to stay focused so that it could actually happen this time around!
He's "shown interest" a few times before, but it disappears & then he has no desire to go for weeks, sometimes months... I decided that him randomly waking me up in the middle of the night saying that he wanted to go was proof enough that this is THE time!

Tumbling Tuesday:
Potty training continues every 20-25 minutes, but is quite successful. Only a couple accidents all day!
Sebastian crab walk
Flounder fishie faces


We used a dinglehopper to eat mac & cheese shells, an octopus hot dog, goldfish & starfish crackers, ocean shaped cookies, swedish fish in blue jello, & a peanut butter fudge starfish while watching The Little Mermaid.

O letter & math sheets
We made an Octopus windsock by coloring it & counting how many O's we could find on it, then we cut it out & taped it together.

Field Trip Friday:
We went to Beach House to eat some frozen yogurt & watch the ocean waves without having to drive 2 hours to get there... (:

Did you know that Ursula only has 6 tentacles?
This means she's technically not an octopus based cecaelia unless you count her arms...


  1. We just watched Little Mermaid today for the first time. When Ursula made her appearance, Bobo said, "Wow, she's beautiful!" I'm not sure what that means, lol. You've just about inspired me to try a muffin tin snack. I love them every week.

    1. Haha... Ursula? That's so random! Thanks! I enjoy making them since they require me to use a little more creativity than I typically would. They're a lot of fun & Little Dudeman loves them. (:

  2. Oh my goodness- the dinglehopper!!! haha I love it! :) :)
    Oh man, and I really want a peanut butter fudge starfish! *drool*
    Thanks for taking the time to comment on my blog this week, Marissa! I really appreciate it!

    1. Yep, couldn't forget the dinglehopper! The peanut butter starfish was a lot easier to make than I thought it would be & it tasted delicious! I just used a cookie cutter. You're welcome!

  3. This is so cute! That hotdog octopus is hilarious! :-)

  4. interesting factoid about Ursula! Very cute muffin tin!

  5. What fun ideas! Just pinned :) I'd be tickled if you'd link up at Off the Hook!!

  6. I just love this one. Super cute!!! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Ha - never noticed Ursula has only six legs! Interesting...
    I love your octopus and starfish - those eyes really make it super cute!
