
Saturday, December 1, 2012

J is for Jungle - Jungle Book

J is for Jungle so this week was based off of... THE JUNGLE BOOK

Church Theme: Jesus Died for Me
Primary/Church Song: 'To Think About Jesus'
Preschool Song: '5 Little Monkeys'
Book: Who is the Beast? by Keith Baker

Mango, sticky rice, dragonfruit, jungle animal crackers, banana, banana candies, & gummy 'snakes'. I thought about getting prickly pear, but I couldn't find any prickly pear out here right now.

Tumbling Tuesday:
We monkeyed around, marched around in an elephant parade, & balanced plastic buckets on our heads

Word Wednesday:
J letter sheets
Monkey tail J's

Field Trip Friday was Thursday this week:
We went to the park and played on the Jungle gym.

Think About It Thursday was Friday this week:
J math sheets is all we did since I was busy cooking & mashing a pumpkin... I ended up with 18 1/2 cups and now I have no idea what to do with all of it!

Check out other awesome muffin tin meals @ Another Lunch


  1. You always have the best snacks for books. Love them. Thanks for linking up to tip-toe thru tuesday every week.

  2. I love the way every thing meshed together so well. I have never had dragon fruit, never heard of it until last night, now I just saw it again here. I doubt we have it around here, such a rural area.

    1. Thanks! We don't have it around here all the time, so when I saw it at the grocery store just in time for our jungle week, I figured we would try it. However, Little Dudeman wasn't really a fan of it...

  3. Great muffin tin! I only occasionally see dragon fruit available around here, and when I do it is SO expensive that I never spring for it. I don't mind shelling our for produce that are known faves, but for something that has a high potential of being a big flop - eek! Hard to do!

    Thanks for linking up with Muffin Tin Monday! :)
