
Saturday, September 15, 2012

Bread tags

What do YOU do with your bread tags?

I use them to tie off open reams of crackers more than anything else...

However, you can also use them to label your cords...

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and of course you can always use your imagination 

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Yep, with all the holidays coming up... I think I'm gonna have to make some this year!

Michele Made Me shows how to make a shaker using a bread tags & a plastic jug when she was a guest blogger at The Crafty Crow.

For 10+ more ideas on what you can do with your bread tags, 
check out the whole living website.
Don't forget to check the comments since there's some great stuff including...

- counting tools for preschoolers
- guitar picks
- mini scrapers
- knitting placeholders
- rubber band holders



  1. Replies
    1. I know! I'm saving them up right now so I can make some to put on Christmas treats for friends & neighbors!
