
Friday, September 21, 2012

A is for Ants - A Bug's Life

This muffin tin Monday our movie of the day was... A BUG'S LIFE

photo credit:

Because of, well... Ants.

On the muffin tin menu we had ants on a log, ants on a leaf (granny smith apple), turkey, cheese, & applesauce all infested with ants (raisins & chocolate chips) headed to their chocolate pudding anthill. Next year I will probably make the anthill with pudding & then crushed oreos for dirt so it looks more realistic.

Church theme: Adam (Thanks to for the printables!)
Primary/Church Song: 'Follow The Prophet'
Preschool Song: 'The Ants Go Marching'
Book: The Ants Go Marching by Dan Crisp

Tumbling Tuesday:
Crawled like an ant, buzzed around like a bee, & hopped like a grasshopper

Word Wednesday:
Adam Letter sheets
Anthill letter A

Think About It Thursday:
Adam math sheets
We made fingerprint ants, then counted them on the paper

Field Trip Friday:
'Bug'ged our neighbors with homemade cookies

Needless to say, our week was pretty f'ant'abulous.


  1. This is so cute, and a great idea. My kiddos love the movie. I will have to remember this next time we watch it. :) I am a co-host to a three blog link party, tip-toe thru Tuesday. I would love for you to link this up, if you have time. It starts at 6am on Tuesday morning. Have a great week. Christy

    1. Thanks for the comment! I plan on doing the whole alphabet this way, only I'm sure not all the meals will look as cute - haha... As for the link party, consider it done!

      ♥ Marissa

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks! Next time maybe I'll throw in some red ants (craisins) too ;)

      ♥ Mris

  3. Very cute and creative and I'm sure your kids loved this! Thanks for sharing. Stopping by from Small Things :)

  4. Eek! The ants are creeping me out! Haha... very cute though! Thanks for linking up to An Oldie but a Goodie link party. - Jessica

  5. Wow, that's a lot of ants! It looks fantastic! Too bad my girl won't eat sultanas...

  6. Ooh, I adore the ant trail! So creative, lol! What a cute Muffin Tin!

  7. Hi! I've seen the muffin tins a couple of times used for different food ideas. I love it! Your ant snacks look delicious. I'm starting my first round of what you call "mommy school" this week. Starting with the letter A. Thanks for the great ideas!
