
Monday, June 16, 2014

FHE: Honesty - Pinocchio

Since holding FHE (Family Home Evening) weekly is one of my resolutions this year
I decided to start posting about what we do.
Partially to share our FHE ideas with each of you,
but mostly to help myself remember how important it is
& to make sure it's happening each week.
I'm not gonna beat myself up if we miss a week here or there
but the goal is to do our best to make it happen every week.
Some weeks may be more thought out than others,
& some weeks we may just watch a movie
then ask questions about lessons learned from it.
Young kids have such short attention spans
that we are going to try to keep the lessons short & simple.

I noticed that LDS Living is doing Disney themes for FHE this month
& I absolutely adore that idea!

I want to try to have one Disney themed FHE each month,
but we'll see how that goes.

Without further ado,
here is tonight's Pinocchio FHE about Honesty...

Opening Song: Family Night
(This will almost always be our opening song, since that was our tradition growing up)

Opening Prayer

Scripture: Psalms 120:2

If we lie over & over again,
people may not believe us when we are telling the truth.

Pinocchio's nose grows when he tells a lie,
but we have a conscience like Jiminy Cricket
(our conscience is not an actual cricket)
that helps us know right from wrong
& helps us do the right thing
even when it's hard.

Nose Grows game:
Say statements or actions that are true/honest & some that are lies/dishonest.
Have the kids fold their arms if it's something that is true or honest
& touch their nose if it's a lie or dishonest.

String of lies object lesson:
Read the story, "The Lie Monster".
Gently wrap yarn around a child's wrists (once for each lie in the story)
& explain that it's hard to break free from lies when they grow on each other.
The only way to break free from lies is to be honest
& to always tell the truth.

"I've Got No Strings" from Pinocchio:
I've got no strings to hold me down
to make me fret, or make me frown
I had strings, but now I'm free
There are no strings on me.

When we are honest,
we don't have 'strings of lies' holding us down.
If we get tied up in a lie,
we can make things right & be free by telling the truth.

Closing Prayer

Activity: Watch Pinocchio

Treat: 'Pinocchio's nose' pretzel rods & 'Pleasure Island' ice cream

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  1. Thank you so much! THis is a great idea! I love it! Keep up the great work!

  2. Such a cute idea! I'm a Grandma who is hosting family home evening once a month for my young grandchildren, so I'm a little rusty at this. Appreciate your creativity and willingness to share!!!
