
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Cars Party

Little Dudeman turned 3 at the end of April...
I still can't believe how grown up he's getting!
Someone needs to slow time down a bit.

Things have been kinda hectic around here since we recently found out we're moving to Indiana...
Between that & his recent eye muscle surgery we decided not to invite any friends this year,
but we threw a little Cars party to celebrate with his Nani.
It was still lots of fun!

Cute right?
Here's what we ate:

Wheel Well pasta with Tow Mater sauce
(wheel shaped pasta with spaghetti sauce)

Fillmore's fruit platter & dip
(red strawberries, yellow pineapple, & green apples to represent a stoplight)

and my personal favorite...
the Cozy Cone cake (:
(ice cream cones & graham crackers dipped in orange candy melts as cake toppers)

We also were going to have...
Fillmore's organic fuel & windshield washer fluid
(organic apple juice & kool-aid)
Luigi's leaning tower of tires
(stacked chocolate covered donuts)
I bought everything,
but I forgot to make them.
We had plenty of food though, so it wasn't a huge loss.

For games:
We made some box cars with the kids so they could sit in them to watch Cars.
We were going to put headlights, taillights, & license plates on them & let the kids decorate them,
but we never finished since the kids were too excited to 'drive' their cars.
We didn't even get to watch Cars since Little Dudeman just wanted to watch WordWorld.
But hey, it was his birthday, so he got to choose what to watch!

I had planned on playing red light green light too,
but we ended up just running around our driveway as Nani was leaving.

I was also going to make party hats that looked like construction cones,
but that didn't happen before the party.
Ah well.
We still had a ton of fun,
& it was great spending time with Nani!

The following weekend I threw an Up party to celebrate Hubby's birthday...
Stay tuned to read all about it!

I'm guest-hosting the Saturday Dishes link party this weekend!!!
So make sure you swing back by my blog on Saturday if you have a yummy salad recipe to share!
I'm uber excited!!!
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  1. Oh the cones are the cake are such a great idea!!! And I like the wheel pasta too. You are so clever.

  2. I'm with you on slowing down time! My "baby" turned 5 in April! I can't believe that he will be starting Kindergarten in the Fall. I love the cake, I'm going to pin this on my Birthday Party board!

  3. Visiting from the Pin Me Party! I love how you made the cake!! So creative! I think I will just have to Pin that idea! ;) Thanks for sharing!


  4. What a great party! And I totally agree with you - somebody does need to slow down time a bit - kids are growing up way too fast! Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!


  5. What a fun party, and an adorable little guy! Thanks so much for stopping by potlucksontheporch! I'm a new follower :).

  6. Hey! Thanks for linking up at Party In Polka Dots!! I am so glad you did!!


  7. Very cute!!! You also have a darling little guy there. I am now following via GFC and Bloglovin.

  8. My son is a big CARS fan. He would love this cake!! I pinned this post! Thanks for stopping by and linking up at Saturday Dishes Cakes & Party ideas.
    Diane Roark

  9. Oh my goodness, I may have to use your idea for my 2 year old son's birthday! He turns 3 in June, and every meal and at night he prays, "Thank you God for Light-meem McQueen."
    Super cute! I pinned your awesome party ideas, and I hope you'll come back and share again at Saturday Dishes this weekend!
